How to pass parameters using ui-sref in ui-router to the controller -- [Question Asked]

Query asked by user

I need to pass and receive two parameters to the state I want to transit to using ui-sref of ui-router.

Something like using the link below for transitioning the state to home with foo and bar parameters:

<a ui-sref="home({foo: 'fooVal', bar: 'barVal'})">Go to home state with foo and bar parameters </a>

Receiving foo and bar values in a controller:

app.controller('SomeController', function($scope, $stateParam) {
  var foo = $; //getting fooVal
  var bar = $; //getting barVal

I get undefined for $stateParam in the controller.

Could somebody help me understand how to get it done?


.state('home', {
  url: '/',
  views: {
    '': {
      templateUrl: 'home.html',
      controller: 'MainRootCtrl'


    '[email protected]': {
      templateUrl: 'a.html',
      controller: 'MainCtrl'

    '[email protected]': {
      templateUrl: 'b.html',
      controller: 'SomeController'


Answer we found from sources

I’ve created an example to show how to. Updated state definition would be:

    .state('home', {
      url: '/:foo?bar',
      views: {
        '': {
          templateUrl: 'tpl.home.html',
          controller: 'MainRootCtrl'


And this would be the controller:

.controller('MainRootCtrl', function($scope, $state, $stateParams) {
    var foo = $; //getting fooVal
    var bar = $; //getting barVal
    $scope.state = $state.current
    $scope.params = $stateParams; 

What we can see is that the state home now has url defined as:

url: '/:foo?bar',

which means, that the params in url are expected as


These two links will correctly pass arguments into the controller:

<a ui-sref="home({foo: 'fooVal1', bar: 'barVal1'})">
<a ui-sref="home({foo: 'fooVal2', bar: 'barVal2'})">

Also, the controller does consume $stateParams instead of $stateParam.

Link to doc:

You can check it here

params : {}

There is also new, more granular setting params : {}. As we’ve already seen, we can declare parameters as part of url. But with params : {} configuration ‚Äì we can extend this definition or even introduce paramters which are not part of the url:

.state('other', {
    url: '/other/:foo?bar',
    params: { 
        // here we define default value for foo
        // we also set squash to false, to force injecting
        // even the default value into url
        foo: {
          value: 'defaultValue',
          squash: false,
        // this parameter is now array
        // we can pass more items, and expect them as []
        bar : { 
          array : true,
        // this param is not part of url
        // it could be passed with $state.go or ui-sref 
        hiddenParam: 'YES',

Settings available for params are described in the documentation of the $stateProvider

Below is just an extract

  • value ‚Äì {object|function=}: specifies the default value for this parameter. This implicitly sets this parameter as optional‚Ķ
  • array ‚Äì {boolean=}: (default: false) If true, the param value will be treated as an array of values.
  • squash ‚Äì {bool|string=}: squash configures how a default parameter value is represented in the URL when the current parameter value is the same as the default value.

We can call these params this way:

// hidden param cannot be passed via url
<a href="#/other/fooVal?bar=1&amp;bar=2">
// default foo is skipped
<a ui-sref="other({bar: [4,5]})">

Check it in action here

Answered By – Radim Köhler

This Answer collected from stackoverflow, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0

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Answer collected from stackoverflow and other sources, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0