Category: Python

Deploying Pytorch only for prediction

Query asked by user I’ve trained my model locally and now I want to use it in my Kubernetes cluster. Unfortunately, all the Docker images for Pytorch are 5+ GBs because they contain the scripts for training which I won’t need now. I’ve created my own image which is only 3.5 GBs but still huge. […]

Issue with using snowflake-connector-python with Python 3.x

Query asked by user I’ve spent half a day trying to figure it out on my own but now I’ve run out of ideas and googling requests. So basically what I want is to connect to our Snowflake database using snowflake-connector-python package. I was able to install the package just fine (together with all the […]

Element not interactable, even though element is in view of browser

Query asked by user I’m working on a script to download a textbook from a pdf site, however, when trying to enter the book into the search bar i get an error selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: The target element is not interactable and could not be clicked I’ve tried to solve this by using EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, “//input[@type=’text’]”)) and […]

How to get numpy working properly in Anaconda Python 3.7.6

Query asked by user I am trying to use NumPy in Python. I have just installed Anaconda Python 3.7, and that all seemed to go smoothly. However, I cannot import numpy(using the line import numpy). When I do, I get the following error: C:\Users\jsmith\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\ UserWarning: mkl-service package failed to import, therefore Intel(R) MKL initialization ensuring […]

Why are my logs going to multiple places?

Query asked by user I am trying to split my logs into two files. I have the main log (root) and a child log called ‘auxlog’. I have specified auxlog to log to its own file, which it does successfully, but it also appears in the root log. I don’t know if I am misunderstanding […]

Converting matrix to echelon form at python

Query asked by user from sympy import * matrix = [] print(“Enter the entries of the 3×3 matrix:”) for i in range(0,3): a =[] for j in range(0,3): a.append(int(input())) matrix.append(a) for i in range(0,3): for j in range(0,3): print(matrix[i][j], end = ” “) print() for i in range(0,3): for j in range(0,3): M[i][j]=list(matrix[i][j]) M_rref = […]

Pytest mock patch function not called

Query asked by user I am sure that a function is called (because of a print statement on it). My test target is the function handle_action. from .dummy import HANDLE_NOTHING, handle_nothing handlers = { HANDLE_NOTHING: handle_nothing, } def handle_action(action, user, room, content, data): func = handlers.get(action) if func: func(user, room, content, data) Unit test […]

Python: Issue reading/writing mp3 file

Query asked by user I am trying to read the text data out of an mp3 file, and then save it to a different mp3 file in python. I DON¬¥T simply want to move the file, as I will be trying to modify it¬¥s contents in the future. Here is my code: encoding1=”latin-1″ with open(path.get(),”r”, […]

Extrapolate values in Pandas DataFrame

Query asked by user It’s very easy to interpolate NaN cells in a Pandas DataFrame: In [98]: df Out[98]: neg neu pos avg 250 0.508475 0.527027 0.641292 0.558931 500 NaN NaN NaN NaN 1000 0.650000 0.571429 0.653983 0.625137 2000 NaN NaN NaN NaN 3000 0.619718 0.663158 0.665468 0.649448 4000 NaN NaN NaN NaN 6000 NaN […]