Enter number in reverse order in text field

Query asked by user I have a TextInput in react-native , I want to enter a number in order as 0.00 => 0.01 => 0.12 => 1.23 => 12.34 => 123.45 like this on each change text . CSS Direction “rtl” is not working . Looking for an algorithm to apply in my JS file […]

How do I return a HTTP 404 status code from a SPA?

Query asked by user I saw a few questions like this around (like this one), but none of them tackle the problem specifically. So Google is now supporting SPAs and most web browsers do HTML5 pushState. My AngularJS (but could be any JS thing) website is using the URL to determine an API route. It […]

Error: attribute height: Expected length, “NaN”

Query asked by user I am trying to generate some Pie charts with Angular Charts, but when I build the app I keep getting the errors: Error: attribute height: Expected length, ‚ÄúNaN‚Äù Error: attribute transform: Trailing garbage, ‚Äútranslate(60,NaN)‚Äù I have tried everything but it didn’t work Here is my js code: this.authService.getSurveyData().then(slist => { // […]

Ionic (or AngularJS) blocks google maps autocomplete

Query asked by user I’m just trying to add a simple autocomplete form to my Ionic app. So first I tried this, it works fine. I then tried in my app (in the browser first). I put this in my controller, and called it with ng-init=”initMaps()” $scope.initMaps = function() { var center = new google.maps.LatLng(51.514032, […]

Splice delete the last element

Query asked by user I am trying to delete an element of an array with splice, but .splice is deleting the last element all the time. The index that I am passing is correct. What am I doing wrong? $scope.deleteSingleAnswer = function (index) { console.log(index); console.log($scope.editAnswers); $scope.editAnswers.splice(index); console.log($scope.editAnswers); }; Answer we found from sources You […]

ng-blur with uib-typeahead (ui-bootstrap)

Query asked by user <div class=”form-group”> <label for=”Skill1″>Skill</label> <input type=”text” ng-model=”vm.skill1″ name=”skill1″ uib-typeahead=”skill for skill in vm.skills | filter:$viewValue” class=”form-control typeahead” ng-blur=”vm.checkSkills(vm.skill1)” placeholder=”” required> </div> My environment is AngularJs, I’m trying to use ng-blur only when the user leave this field, however due to the typeahead, if I use the mouse to choose an option […]

display json data acoording param parameter

Query asked by user want to display json data according to the parameter which is catch by state params but problem is that array does not show any thing , me using the underscore lib , kindly check the controller and tell me where the problem or any alternative way to do it .. .controller(‘abCtrl’,function($scope,$http,$stateParams) […]

Angular UI Typeahead can’t set options (like footer template)

Query asked by user I’d like to add a custom footer to the results where I can wire up some paging. I see that I can specify a footer template in the options, but can’t find any examples of how to set those options from a controller. The footer template would display ‚ÄúNow showing 1-{{offsetEnd}} […]