Generate api and models in TS with openapi-generator-cli from multiple definitions from ocelote -- [Question Asked]

Query asked by user

I’m trying to setup a dotnet micro-service backend with a gateway using Ocelote. Doing this as described, Ocelote provides me with multiple swagger definitions (for each micro-service)

Since the API now has multiple definition, each definition has its own defining json file.

How can i generate the API services and Models using openapi-generator-cli in this case. Previously i only had one definition which i generated with the command below, passing it the published json file directly

openapi-generator-cli generate -g typescript-angular -o ./openapi -i http://localhost:xxxx/swagger/docs/v1/project

Additionally how should those definitions be used? Should the services even be split up like this?

Answer we found from sources

Since there was no fitting tool for my problem or an answer for 6 months, i decided to write an open source tool myself. It is still a WIP but it may already be enough for you, just like it is for my current needs.

Basically what it does is detecting the swagger definitions, merge them and then run the openapi-cli-generator. At the end there are no duplicate files and a single Configuration. For more details on how what it does and how you can set it up check it out on Github

If you find any bugs or unhandled edge cases please contribute via Github!

brew tap deitsch/angler
brew install deitsch/tap/angler

It also includes a fix for openapi-generator/issues/10864 until an official one is released

Answered By – Deitsch

This Answer collected from stackoverflow, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source, JavaScript outline written in TypeScript. Google keeps up with it, and its basic role is to foster single-page activities. As an edge, Angular enjoys clear benefits while likewise outfitting a standard design for formulators to work with. It empowers stoners to deliver huge tasks in a viable way. textures overall lift web improvement viability and execution by outfitting an agreeable construction so that formulators do n't need to continue to modify regulation from scratch. textures are efficient devices that offer formulators a large group of extra elements that can be added to programming easily.

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We are team of software engineers in multiple domains like Programming and coding, Fundamentals of computer science, Design and architecture, Algorithms and data structures, Information analysis, Debugging software and Testing software. We are working on Systems developer and application developer. We are curious, methodical, rational, analytical, and logical. Some of us are also conventional, meaning we're conscientious and conservative.

Answer collected from stackoverflow and other sources, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0