How to listen for an event in AngularJS component? -- [Question Asked]

Query asked by user

In AngularJS we can broadcast, and listen for events:


$rootScope.$on('myEvent', function(event, data) {}

Is there any way to listen for events inside a component?

What I want to achieve is to execute some action on set of components which are repeated inside a form. Ng-repeat iterates over some model of course. Some data from the model is bound to the component. It’s easy to bind function to component, so component can execute some logic, but the opposite direction doesn’t seem to be so easy.

<div ng-repeat="someObject in mainModel.listOfObjects">
   <someControl ng-model=""></someControl>
   <custom-component ng-model=""></custom-component>
<someButton ng-click="executeActionOnAllCustomComponents()">

Answer we found from sources

I think your best bet is keep using the standard event emitting with $emit() and $broadcast().
angular 1.5 introduced some new hooks and sintax but inside a component you can always inject $rootScope and $scope, and handling any event as you were used to in angular < 1.5.


<div ng-controller="parentController">
 <div ng-repeat="someObject in mainModel.listOfObjects">
   <someControl ng-model=""></someControl>
   <custom-component ng-model=""></custom-component>

Parent controller:

angular.controller('parentController', ['$scope', function($scope){
   $scope.$broadcast('event.sample', {}); //down in the scope chain


angular.component('customComponent', {
 bindings: {
  ngModel: '<' //one-way binding
 controller: MyCtrl
MyCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope'];

function MyCtrl('$scope', $rootScope){
 $scope.$on('event.sample', function(evt, data){
  //do your logic


Another option, if you want to check for changes on your model (made from the othe parent scope, supposing a one-way binding on your scope variables), is to use the hook $doCheck which is triggered each digest cycle, as opposed to the old watch mechanism you must save your old value and compare it to the new one.

var self = this;
var oldModel = angular.copy(self.ngModel);
self.$doCheck = function(){
 if(self.model !== oldModel){
   //do something

Answered By – Karim

This Answer collected from stackoverflow, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0

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Angular is an open-source, JavaScript outline written in TypeScript. Google keeps up with it, and its basic role is to foster single-page activities. As an edge, Angular enjoys clear benefits while likewise outfitting a standard design for formulators to work with. It empowers stoners to deliver huge tasks in a viable way. textures overall lift web improvement viability and execution by outfitting an agreeable construction so that formulators do n't need to continue to modify regulation from scratch. textures are efficient devices that offer formulators a large group of extra elements that can be added to programming easily.

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JavaScript is the most by and large utilized client-side prearranging language. It's composed into HTML reports to empower relations with web sprinters in endless extraordinary ways. As a genuinely simple to-learn language with inescapable help, creating current operations is appropriate.

Nowadays, we have various textures and libraries intended to give essential outcomes. As for front end web advancement, Angular addresses incalculable, while possibly not all, of the issues formulators face while utilizing JavaScript all alone.
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Answer collected from stackoverflow and other sources, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0